When my very good friend and wonderfully wonderful cousin Hannah posted a link on my facebook wall I was at first intrigued, then interested, then I chuckled and now I am pretty damn impressed. A friend of hers, a Mr Freddie Norton, has set himself a challenge… he needs to get to Australia for his best friend’s wedding but has no mula for the flight. As far as I know he doesn’t have a yacht he can sail there, a bicycle’s out of the question (too many oceans), and from what I can make out he doesn’t have the shoulders of an around-the-world swimmer… so he is left with only one option… the power of Social Media. This is our kind of guy. He wants to see how many friends of friends of friends of friends, who are all connected via social media networks, will help him out with a donation towards his plane ticket down under. Thus proving the infinite power of Social Media! Check out his challenge for yourself… looks like we are in for a few laughs! www.freddienorton.co.uk.