![pretty gorilla Kate gave up a career on the runway for her job at Gorilla](http://gorillacreativemedia-com.win28.glodns.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/pretty-gorilla1.jpg)
The young Silverbacks eyed out the pretty stranger sitting in a bush not far off. Jordan sat up straighter and brushed his fur, Dorin pulled up his leaf shorts, and Barry was already making his move with a bunch of freshly picked berries. That’s right, Gorilla has been joined by a member of the much fairer, way more civilized and leagues more sophisticated sex. All the way from England, young Kate Ashton-Rickardt (yes she really is straight out of the stately English countryside) joins us with the prestigious title of Director of Cool Sh*t. Over the next month or two, whilst she realizes that Sunny SA is a lot more fun than the UK, she will be patrolling the world of the web, searching for the coolest most cutting-edge creative media, and sharing it with you, our 7 or 8 loyal readers!