Whilst I gaze out of my window over the meandering River Severn, I can’t help but wish for a few Gorillas on my horizon …

As those of you may know, I recently left Gorilla Head Quarters and my three Silver Backs to return to the green green grasses of home… however this little chimp is far from gone. I will be enjoying my winter hibernation in The Forest of Dean, but before too much mourning commences I can assure you, in my best Governor Schwarzenegger accent, “I’ll be back”
So for the next couple of months you may view me as your British Correspondent; anything cool, funky and completely Gorilla that goes down up here in the Northern Hemisphere I will be sure to let you know. Just recently there was an incredible snowboard, ski and music festival at Battersea Power Station, awesome venue! I think South Africa should have a Freeze – check it out Londonfreeze.com
And for those of you who like waves – Did you know the River Severn is famous for its tidal wave, which sweeps 21 miles up the river and can be 3m high. You can even surf it too – FACT!

Have a look at this video … Surfing the River Severn Bore